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Open Collector Installation Tips


Each configurable service can be changed manually. After changing a configuration, restart the service for the changes to take effect.

  • To edit existing configuration values for the service, run the following command:

    ./lrctl <service> config edit
  • To remove all configuration for the service, run the following command:

    ./lrctl <service> config remove
    You will be prompted for new configuration values the next time the service is started.

Usage and Shorthand

All commands and sub-commands have the --help flag that shows all flags, sub-commands, and aliases. For example:

./lrctl --help
./lrctl oc --help

Many commands have shorthand to reduce keystrokes:

Shorthand Examples

./lrctl open-collector start
./lrctl oc start
./lrctl eventhubbeat start
./lrctl ehb start

Logging and Service Output

To view the logs for each service, run the following command:

./lrctl <service> logs

Service Interaction

To start a service, run the following command:

./lrctl <service> start

To stop a service, run the following command:

./lrctl <service> stop

To restart a service, run the following command:

./lrctl <service> restart
The restart command is equivalent to calling stop and start in sequence.
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