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Import Docker Images for an Offline Installation of the Duo Authentication Beat

To install docker images, which allows for Open Collector to operate offline, do the following:

  1. Remove the previous versions.yml file if one exists.

     rm -f versions.yml
  2. Download and copy all the artifacts below to the virtual machine.

    Before extracting the .tar files into docker images, Docker must be installed.

    If the Docker is already installed, skip stepping 6.

  3. Extract docker_20_10_8.tar.gz:

    tar xzvf /path/to/docker_20_10_8.tar.gz
  4. Move the binaries to /usr/bin/:

    cp docker/* /usr/bin/
  5. Start the Docker Daemon:

    dockerd &
  6. Before downloading the artifacts, remove any running container(s) and the images related to that container. 

    1. To stop all the running components, run the following command: 

      docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
    2. Next, remove all the docker images in the system:

      docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
  7. To extract a docker image from a .tar file, use the following command:

    docker load < <image-name>.tar

  8. Repeat step 7 to extract any additional .tar files.
  9. Place lrctl and versions.yml in the same folder.
  10. Execute this command after step 9.

    ./lrctl autoupdate disable

Use "-V versions.yml"  with every command while working with the beat.

./lrctl -V versions.yml duobeat start

Once all the .tar files have been extracted, start the Open Collector and Duo Authentication Beat as normal by following the steps at .Initialize the Duo Beat v2021.10.

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